Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ten things not to paint

On the Glasstire website, Matthew Bourbon posted his list of ten things no art student should paint in class:

•    Puppy dogs, cats, your favorite dead pet memorial painting etc.
•   A fetus or saccharine portrayals of children
•   Flowers (especially blue bonnets)
•   Halloween paintings (moody trees and purple overcast skies)
•   Clowns, Angels and Barbie
•   Unicorns/Dragons/Demons/Warlocks/Witches/Fairies/ scantily clad women holding swashbuckling swords/muscle bound men holding machine guns
•   Skulls, because you fashion yourself a modern day pirate or a retro goth vampire
•   Your favorite cartoon character (doe-eyed Manga characters) or your current rock star hero
•   Landscape  à la your favorite Impressionist painter
•   Thatched roofed cottages

What would you add?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thursday 5:30 field trip

PLEASE remember to meet at the Station Museum at 5:30 on Thursday, and then we'll walk back to school.  It is at the corner of LaBranch and block away.  You can drop your stuff off first if you need to, or get it out of your car on the way back.  We'll jut be there for 20 minutes or so.  They close at 6 anyway.

Info on their website at:
The Station Museum of Art

I don't remember getting pizzas...

This work needs a title

This work is really growing on me.  It has a lot to come back to every time.  But it needs a title....


View finders

Please remember to do some sketches first before you start your glaze painting.  A viewfinder will help you the most with cropping your image.  You need at least 3 items, more is OK, but keep it at three is you paint slowly.

Pay attention to your edges!

Some non-representational works

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Midtown Magazine Art

Remember, if you would like to submit your artwork for HCC-Central's Midtown Journal, you can send it to Daniel (from our class) at

Please only send high-resolution files!

Here's the link.

Critique is Tuesday night!

Remember the next crit is Tuesday night - that's October 26th....for Painting I AND II!

Here are some pictures from class....

Pati's show

So I went to Pati's opening on Friday night.  Congratulations.

Here's a photo of Pati and Ignacio and their work.  And Manola was also there.  The gallery owner would like anyone interested in showing work there to give her a call or email.  I have her contact information if you are interested.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Next Tuesday, October 26 is the second critique for Painting I and the first for Painting II.

Painting I should each present their non-representational images.  Please remember to write the three "words" that define your image on the reverse sides.  Also place an arrow on the back showing the direction that you would display the work.

Painting II students must present at least one of the first 2 projects.  I suggest that you choose to concentrate on and finish the project that you dislike the most....get it out of the way.

Monday, October 18, 2010

color theory

HERE are some great color mixing and theory articles...

and HERE are some visuals to give you the primary, secondary, complementary, etc. colors

Painting I projects

Great group of first paintings!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Painting II: Project 2

Painting II: Project 2
Check out the works of these artists (click on their names for images...)

Frank Stella

Jane Eifler

Painting 2 Project 1:

Painting 2 Project 1:

Check out the work of:
Jim Dine - large robe paintings and prints

Monday, October 11, 2010

Painting I: First Critique

Please remember - the first critique for Painting I students is Tuesday, October 12.
We'll start at 5:45, so you can have a few minutes to make some last minute corrections.  Then the still life comes down and it's on to COLOR and the second project. 

Remember, you will need your pad of watercolor paper or several sheets of Yupo paper from Texas Art Supply for the next assignment.   Your sketchbook too!

See you Tuesday.