Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ten things not to paint

On the Glasstire website, Matthew Bourbon posted his list of ten things no art student should paint in class:

•    Puppy dogs, cats, your favorite dead pet memorial painting etc.
•   A fetus or saccharine portrayals of children
•   Flowers (especially blue bonnets)
•   Halloween paintings (moody trees and purple overcast skies)
•   Clowns, Angels and Barbie
•   Unicorns/Dragons/Demons/Warlocks/Witches/Fairies/ scantily clad women holding swashbuckling swords/muscle bound men holding machine guns
•   Skulls, because you fashion yourself a modern day pirate or a retro goth vampire
•   Your favorite cartoon character (doe-eyed Manga characters) or your current rock star hero
•   Landscape  à la your favorite Impressionist painter
•   Thatched roofed cottages

What would you add?


  1. Below is a list to illustrate that the list above is invalid.
    Current list of artists who are selling their art like crazy at a greater rate than traditionalists.

    Fantasy art:

    skulls :

    fetus and skulls:yoko d holbachie

    Favorite cartoon character: ron english, sas christian anime eyes

  2. If you'll go read the article this list came from, the author, Matt Bourbon, admits there are artists who can successfully use this subject matter, and gives a few examples. Your example of Ron English is a great example. I have loved his work for over 20 years, and it still seems fresh.
